Saturday, January 30, 2010

There is a seal in my house...

Well here we go again, Owen woke up with a hideous cough that sounds like a barking seal....ugh!!! Oh and Scarlett was up the whole night, let's remember the fact she is 18 months old. Only a couple more years and she will sleep through the night. Today I am a mother and I am glad, till about 6pm right??? Happy Birthday to my mom!!! Today I hope she knows how much I love her and feel blessed for all the gifts she has given me over the years. Ok so anyone reading this and knows my mom would think I am talking presents actual gifts. I am talking about strength, love, guidance and support. Everyone says how do you stay so strong through all this, that is what I was taught. My mom gave me the skill most women never give their daughters, survival skills. You learn to deal with your circumstances and move forward. There is no time for feeling sorry for yourself. maybe mitochondrial disease took her strength from the outside but not the inside. I hope Scarlett recieves these skills from me, ok she already has them.There is no room for weak women in my world, man up or move on. Thanks mom , I love you. I have to go take care of the seal now....

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I really wasn't around yesterday because I worked all day. I stood behind my chair for 9 hours and attempted to make people feel better and look better. I have been doing this for about 15 years now and I sometimes wonder is this for me still? I still enjoy most aspects of the profession but my favorite part is mentoring and teaching. I like to help guide young people into making the best life choices for them. My clients come to me for guidance also ,which in turn takes away from my creativity. Beauty,fashion, makeup is a selfish industry. I am now more self less than ever, I almost feel I have grown beyond that. I want to make a bigger diffference in people's lives. I am not sure , maybe I should just move in a different direction......Today I will be a hairdresser again for most of my day but i would like to be a mentor all the time.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Afternoon slump...

Ok, well I have not decided if I will write once a day or more. Today is my first day so I have alot to say or write, well both. I would like to talk my 17 month old's daughter obsession with the toilet ...omg what the heck? I swear I cannot keep up with this kid, now I know why women have kids in their early 20's not mid 30's. Everyone says she gets her stubborness from me but really it's her grandma Jan. My mom was one of the stongest, smartest, toughest women I have ever met. My mom would walk in a room and people knew she meant business. Now mitochondrial disease has taken most of that from her. I guess you could say the stubborness is still there but her mind and body will never be the same. Mitochondria are the powerhouse of our cells, have heard it compared to a city in brown out. I am gonna leave it at that for now, the rest of the tutorial will come later........

Oh my why so early? is the day. I have been thinking about doing this for so long and I am finally making it happen. I guess this gonna be my outlet and believe me I need one. I am also hoping to raise awareness about mitochondrial disease. Mitochondra-what if I hear that statement one more time I will scream. Mitochondrial disease the illness that took my grandmother's life, has made my mom non functioning most days and now the big whammy my son. That's right I said my son, how dare this disease affect my family so much. I will fight with every ounce of my existance to raise awareness about this genetic disorder. Ok more on that later ,I am also to here to talk about everyday trials and tribulations of being a mother, wife , hairdresser and still knowing who I am in this thing we call life.Today I am mom and our day started way to early......